GCCF Show Classes

Definition of Classes at GCCF Shows

OPEN CLASSES: Open to untitled cats of the specified breed. (Must be GCCF Registered)

GRAND CLASS: Open to Champion/Premier titled cats

IMPERIAL GRAND CLASS: Open to Grand Champion/Grand Premier titled cats

OLYMPIAN CLASS: Open to full Imperial Grand Champion/Imperial Grand Premier titled cats

CATS: Not less than 9 calendar months on the day of show.

KITTENS: Not less than 14 weeks and under 9 calendar months on the day of the show. Since 1 June 2001, neuter kittens are entered in kitten Open & Miscellaneous classes and compete for BIS Kitten. Neuter kittens of Preliminary Breeds should be included in Kitten Assessment classes where separate classes for Adult, Kitten and Neuter are scheduled.

NEUTER ADULTS: Neuter adults may only enter Neuter Classes and may not compete with entire cats or kittens except in Club Classes which are scheduled to include Neuters. Where Best in Show is held, the best Neuter shall be considered against the best Entire Adult and Kitten for Best Exhibit in Show.


NOVICE: Exhibits that have not won a First Prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules.

LIMIT: Exhibits that have not won more than four First Prizes in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules.

DEBUTANTE: Exhibits that have never been shown at a show held under GCCF Rules. (If Debutante Adult and Neuter classes are offered at a show, entry as a Debutante Kitten does not count when the exhibit is shown as an adult or neuter and entry as a Debutante Adult or Kitten does not count when the exhibit is neutered and shown)

MAIDEN: Exhibits that have not won a First, Second or Third Prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules.

BREEDERS: Exhibits bred by exhibitor/s. Cats originally registered in the Breeder’s joint ownership but changed to single ownership of one of the Breeders can still be entered in this class. Cats originally registered in the Breeder’s single ownership and changed to joint ownership with the Breeder should be entered in the Non-Breeders Class.

JUNIOR: Cats over 9 calendar months of age and under 2 years on the day of the show.

SENIOR: Cats 2 years and over on the day of the show.

The status of the exhibit for entering restricted classes (i.e. Maiden, Limit, etc) shall be the cats’ status on the date of entry, except where Section 2, Rule 7e regarding entry into Grand, Imperial and Olympian classes applies. The wins as a Kitten do not count when the exhibit is shown as an Adult or Neuter; the wins as an Adult do not count when the exhibit is neutered and shown. Merit Awards do not count as ‘wins’ for entering restricted classes.

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